Kasm Workspaces Installation not enough disk space

Kasm Workspaces provides browser-based access to on-demand containerized desktops and applications.

Kasm recommend minimal 500GB disk space for server installation. Follow below steps if your server do not meet the disk space requirement.

Not enough disk space for the installation - Please free up disk space or use -I to not preseed images

1. Install Kasm Workspaces with out the default workspace images.

sudo kasm_release/install.sh -I

2. Follow official documentation to manually add container images to Kasm workspace after finish installation.

3. Kasm provide another option to load/seed container images via CLI. Use the default YAML file from the installation tarball or customize it accordingly.

sudo /opt/kasm/bin/stop
# remember to use full path for the yaml file
sudo /opt/kasm/current/bin/utils/db_init -s /home/ubuntu/kasm_release/conf/database/seed_data/default_images_amd64.yaml
sudo /opt/kasm/bin/start
